Corley Parish Church

Corley Village

Corley Parish Church

Corley Parish Church, Corley, Coventry CV7 8BB

Church Alter

Church Services

1st Sunday of the Month

9.00 am Said Holy Communion

2nd Sunday of the Month

10.30 am Holy Communion and Sunday School

3rd Sunday of the Month

9.00 am Said Holy Communion

4th Sunday of the Month

10.30 am Holy Communion and Sunday School

5th Sunday of the Month

10.30 am Holy Communion 

A link to The Church of England 'A Church Near You' website provides more information about facilities, accessability, events etc.

Also, the new joint benefice website for Corley & Fillongley has pages to download for the village Newsletter (link also on this homepage), sermons, e-Bulletins with prayers & messages.

Corley Church

Church Contacts


Reverend Steve Medley

Tel: 01676 248479 

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Reverend Steve Medley

Tel: 01676 248479

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Annmarie Butler
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Neill Butler
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
Prayer Book

Weddings and Baptisms


If you live in the Parish of Corley it is your right to be Baptised 


The law that only allowed people living in the Parish of Corley to be married at the church has been changed. You can now get married in Corley Parish Church if you have a qualifying connection to the parish (listed below).

Qualifying Connections to Corley Parish Church

That one of you:

  • has at any time lived in Corley Parish for a period of at least six months OR
  • was Baptised in Corley Parish Church OR
  • was prepared for Confirmation in Corley Parish OR
  • has at any time regularly gone to normal church services in Corley Parish Church for a period of at least six months OR
  • That one of your parents, at any time after you were born:
    • has lived in Corley Parish for a period of at least six months OR
    • has regularly gone to normal church services in Corley Parish Church for a period of at least six months OR
  • That one of your parents or grandparents:
    • was married in Corley Parish Church

Corley Village

 For the Parish Council
Click here to contact the Clerk

Village Hall Room Bookings

To book the hall please contact Jen Harris
Call: 02476 596246